Monday, April 15, 2013

Finally 18!

So, my 18th birthday was last week on the 11th. Thinking about it, I really don't feel that old at all, and actually I feel as if I could still pass for 13. But looking back on the past year, I feel like I have learned a lot. I feel like I have grown up a lot. A year ago I was still in high school, had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, and didn't have a job. Now, all of that has completely changed! It's crazy to think about how much has happened in just a year's time. In the past year I've made some awesome friends, and also lost some. Built some bridges, tore some down. Met some people who really changed my life. Went on some really great dates. Went on some really awkward dates. Ate some good food. Experienced really hot weather as well as really cold weather. Saw 3 different country music stars in concert. Got really depressed because Hostess went out of business and I couldn't eat mini muffins for breakfast anymore. Bought some sunglasses. Lost them. Bought some more. Got a job. Met some really great local customers. Met some really rude out-of-state customers. Saw some good movies. Saw some bad ones. Went to my senior homecoming dance wearing some pretty awesome shoes. Took some things for granted and regretted it. Watched people laugh. Watched people cry. Laughed. Cried. Became addicted to coffee and the Ellen Degeneres show. Tried some new foods that I never thought I would try. Realized that good things may come to those who wait, but the longer you wait for something the more you might realize you don't really need it. Gave someone my heart. Got it broken. Got over it... almost. Went some places I've never been before. Gave certain people really awesome gifts. Recieved some really awesome gifts. Became closer with some friends, and drifted apart from others. Decided that I don't need anyone in my life that doesn't need me. Also decided not to stress over the small things because in 10 years none of it will matter. So many things I've done and learned in the past year, I could probably keep going. But I'm finally a legal adult now, (not that I feel any different), and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for me!  

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